sábado, 7 de mayo de 2011

hoy Global Marijuana March

Este sábado 7 de mayo se realizará la Global Marijuana March, que desde 1999 se lleva a cabo en simultáneo en distintas ciudades de todo el mundo, exigiendo la despenalización del consumo y un Plan Nacional de atención de Adicciones público, universal y gratuito. A las 15 salimos desde Plaza de Mayo al Congreso

1 comentario:

  1. Cannabis Oil Cures Cancer, Severe Pains,Disorder,Seizure E.T.C!!

    I am Helen 40 from Florida, U.S. I was diagnosed in 2009 after blacking out at work - and was given a transplant in November that year. I was given the all-clear but the disease came back in late 2012 - attacking the new organ I had been given. Desperate to survive, he began to look online and found *(E-mail: info.cannabismedsdelivery@gmail.com)* his Skype is: medical.cannabis* from who i got good cannabis Oil which cured my cancer. "It's suppose to be legal everywhere, people die everyday". Let's join hands and heal the World.
